Spay and Neuter Advisory Board

The Spay and Neuter Advisory Board (SNAB) recommends the guidelines and regulations needed to implement Maryland’s Spay and Neuter Grants Program, which was established by the Maryland General Assembly during the 2013 Legislative Session, as a new program within the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA). The SNAB meets annually to review grant applications and make recommendations to the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture regarding grant approvals and funding.
The Spay and Neuter Grants Program is designed to reduce the number of cats and dogs surrendered to and euthanized in Maryland shelters, by providing grants to nonprofit animal welfare organizations and municipal
animal shelters that promote and provide spay and neuter services to pets of low income Marylanders, and for colonies of unowned outdoor cats, where not prohibited by local law. To find out more about the genesis of the program, read the
Program Background.
Members of the SNAB include the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture (or their designee), a representative of a private animal shelter,
a representative of the pet food industry, a veterinarian,
a representative of an animal control agency, and two representatives of animal welfare organizations. Please
email the Spay and Neuter Grant Program Coordinator for the current list of members.
For more information about the Spay and Neuter Grant Program, click here.