​Contact Information

Current or potential Program participants should communicate with the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation first through its local program administrators.  Application development, review, and the approval process starts at the local level.  Local administrators are the best resource to help you prepare your easement application or requests and for navigating the review process.  They can answer most questions about what you can likely expect from the program and how it works.  Local program administrators are in an excellent position to advise you on the range of options and programs available to help you reach your goals in preserving your land or exercising the rights you retained on your preserved property.  If your local program administrator is unable to answer your questions or you otherwise need to contact the Foundation directly, contact information is provided.



Michelle Cable​, Executive Director
Chana Kikoen Turner​, Lead Administrator​
Rama Dilip, Administrator
Elizabeth Beales, Administrator
Erin Lueders​, Administrator
Amanda Massoni​, Fiscal Specialist
Kimberly Hoxter, Administrative Officer


Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation
Maryland Department of Agriculture
50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Room 104
Annapolis, Maryland 21401-8960 


410-841-5860 (voice)
410-841-5730 (fax) 

