Plants/Pests > Maryland Invasive Plants Prevention and Control

 Maryland Invasive Plants Prevention and Control


Invasive plants threaten native plant health and biodiversity in both agricultural and natural systems in Maryland. Many of these problematic plants are imported, bred, distributed and promoted for sale in the landscape and nursery industries. Maryland’s Invasive Plant Advisory Committee (IPAC) was established by legislative mandate in October 2011. The IPAC’s primary responsibility is to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on regulating the sale of invasive plants, and preventing them from entering Maryland or from spreading further in the state. Using a scientific weed risk assessment protocol, IPAC will classify invasive plants as Tier 1 or Tier 2 and recommend regulations to reduce the risk of invasive plants in Maryland.

The Maryland Invasive Plants Prevention and Control Law is accessible via the following website: Click on Code of Maryland and Rules>Agriculture>Title 9.5>Commercial Feed and Fertilizer>Subtitle 1, 2, or 3

See the Maryland Regulation of Invasive Plants regulations here.

Invasive Plant Lists and Requirements

Tier 1 Invasive Plants


Restrictions - Except as provided below, a person may not propagate, import, transfer, sell, purchase, transport, or introduce any living part of a Tier 1 invasive plant in the State. These restrictions do not apply to the transfer, lease, sale, or purchase of real property on which an invasive plant is located.

Exemptions - A person may conduct a prohibited activity if:

  • The person receives approval from the Secretary before conducting the activity; and
  • The activity is for the purpose of:
  • Disposing of the invasive plant
  • Controlling the invasive plant
  • Using the invasive plant for research or educational purposes; or
  • Exporting the invasive plant out of the State.

Tier 2 Invasive Plants



  • A person may not sell or offer for sale at a retail outlet a Tier 2 invasive plant unless the retail outlet posts in a conspicuous manner in proximity to all Tier 2 plant displays, a sign identifying the plants as Tier 2 plants.
  • A person may not provide landscaping services to plant or supply for planting a Tier 2 invasive plant unless the person provides to its customer a list of Tier 2 invasive plants.


  • The Secretary may impose a civil penalty not exceeding $500 for each violation.
  • Title 12 Criminal Penalties

Legal Authority: Md. AGRICULTURE Code Ann. § 9.5-101 et. seq.

Page Last Updated: 03/05/2014

Contact Information

Carol Holko
Assistant Secretary
Plant Industries & Pest Management

Telephone: 410-841-5870

Info for Nursery Professionals

  • Coming Soon!

Info for Landscapers & Managers

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