Maryland Invasive Plants Prevention and Control
Invasive plants threaten native plant health and biodiversity in both agricultural and natural systems in Maryland. Many of these problematic plants are imported, bred, distributed, and promoted for sale in the landscape and nursery industries. Maryland’s Invasive Plant Advisory Committee (IPAC) was established by legislative mandate in October 2011. The IPAC’s primary responsibility is to advise the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture on regulating the sale of invasive plants and preventing them from entering Maryland or from spreading further into the state.
On June 1, 2024, significant changes were made to the invasive plant law. As a result, the website is currently undergoing updates to reflect these changes. You can find more information about Senate Bill 915 regarding the invasive plant species regulation here:
Invasive Plant Lists and Requirements
(Formerly Tier 1)
Corydalis incisa
| Incised fumewort
| 6/1/2024
Euonymus fortunei
| wintercreeper
| 6/1/2024
Ficaria verna
| fig buttercup or lesser celandine
| 6/1/2024
Geranium lucidum
| shining geranium
| 6/1/2024
Iris pseudacorus
| yellow flag, pale yellow iris, water flag
| 6/1/2024
Lonicera maackii
| Amur honeysuckle
| 6/1/2024
Stay tuned for updated regulations, which will be published here soon to ensure compliance with the new law.