The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF) was one of the first created in the United States and has become one of the nation's leaders in agricultural land preservation by preserving more agricultural land than any othe state in the country.
Created by the General Assembly in 1977, MALPF purchases agricultural preservation easements that forever restrict development on prime farmland and woodland and has permanently preserved land in each of Maryland's 23 counties, representing a public investment of over $900 million. Since 1980, MALPF has purchased easements on over 2,500, permanently preserving over 350,000 acres.
The mission of MALPF is:
- To preserve productive farmland and woodland for the continued production of food and fiber for all of Maryland's citizens (statutory goal);
- To curb the expansion of random urban development (statutory goal);
- To help curb the spread of urban blight and deterioration (statutory goal);
- To help protect agricultural land and woodland as open space (statutory goal);
- To protect wildlife habitat (ancillary goal); and
- To enhance the environmental quality of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries (ancillary goal).
If you wish to contact your local program administrator or Foundation staff, addresses and telephone numbers are provided. If you simply wish to know more about the program, you may find fact sheets, annual reports, applicable laws and regulations, and other documents at this website.
Thank you for visiting and for your interest in preserving Maryland's best agricultural land.
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