Avian Influenza in Poultry Flocks

​​Suspect HPAI in your flock (1).png

Biosecurity continues to be the best defense for commercial and backyard poultry operations in protecting their flocks against Avian Influenza.  Commercial and backyard flock owners are urged to follow these guidelines to maintain a sanitary, biosecure premise:

  • Restrict access to poultry by posting “Restricted Access” signage, securing the area with a gate, or both.
  • Take steps to ensure that contaminated materials on the ground are not transported into the poultry growing house or area.
  • Provide the following items to anyone entering or leaving any area where poultry are kept:
  • Footbaths and foot mats with disinfectant;
  • Boot washing and disinfectant station;
  • Footwear change or foot covers.
  • Cover and secure feed to prevent wild birds, rodents or other animals from accessing it.
  • Cover and properly contain carcasses, used litter, or other disease-containing organic materials to prevent wild birds, rodents or other animals from accessing them and to keep them from being blown around by wind.
  • Allow MDA to enter the premises during normal working hours to inspect your biosecurity and sanitation practices. 
  • Report any unusual bird deaths or sudden increases in very sick birds to the MDA Animal Health Program at 410-841-5810 or after-hours to 410-841-5971. Also contact the USDA at 866-536-7593.​

MDA's State Veterinarian has also issued updated enhance guidance during times of high alert.  

For Commericial Growers please visit this link.

For Backyard Flock Owners please visit this link

Additionally, per guidance from the Department of Natural Resources​Anyone who sees sick or dead birds in the wild should not handle or move the birds, but should report them to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service by calling 1-877-463-6497. USDA Wildlife Services operators are available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on state holidays. Those with phone numbers outside of Maryland should call 410-349-8055. Voicemails will be promptly returned.

Information for Commercial Growers​

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​​Information for Backyard Flock Owners

Backyard flocks are required to be registered with the Maryland Department of Agriculture.  For more information on how to register, please vist this registration form. ​

Frequently asked questions about backyard flock registration: 

Q. What is poultry premises registration?
A. Premises registration is an effort to establish a complete record of all locations in Maryland where poultry are raised, held, or boarded. The basic contact information you provide ensures that you will be notified quickly when a disease event might put your premises and your animals at risk. 

Q. Why should I register my premises? 
A. In an animal health emergency, no one can help you protect your animals if they don't know you are there. The basic contact information provided during premises registration opens the lines of communication between producers and animal health officials. Registering your premises means that you will be alerted quickly when there is a potential disease threat to your animals. You then have the information and assistance you need to take action and protect your animals and your investment.

Q. What is a premises?
A. In general, a premises is a location where poultry are raised, held, or boarded. Examples would include farms, ranches, markets, exhibitions, and slaughtering facilities.

Q. Am I required by law to register my premises?
A. In Maryland, any premises where poultry are maintained must be registered with the Maryland Department of Agriculture according to Agric. Art., Section § 3-804.​

Q. How do I register my premises? 
A. You may register your premises by completing the Maryland Poultry Premises Registration Form​ and emailing it to animalhealth.mda@maryland.gov, or by mailing it to 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway Annapolis MD 21401. You may also fax the form to the MDA Animal Health Program at 410-841-5999. 

Q. What information do I have to provide to register my premises?
A. When registering your premises, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Name of the premises
  • Point of contact
  • Street address/city/state/zip code
  • Contact phone number
  • Operation type (production unit, market, exhibition, slaughter plant, etc.)
  • Alternative phone number(s)

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​​News Releases












High Path Avian Influenza Confirmed in Washington County 

Control Order of the Secretary Requiring Specific Handling, Transport, and Storage of Poultry Litter Due to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza​(1/8/2025)

Affected Counties

County & Flock #
​Date Confirmed
​Type of Operation
​Cecil 1
​Egg Layer
​Cecil 2
​Queen Anne's 1



​Anne Arundel 1
​WOAH Non-Poultry
​Washington 1
​Egg Layer
​​Caroline 1
​Charles 1​
​WOAH Non-Poultry

​Caroline 2

​Queen Anne's 2
​Caroline 3
Dorchester 1
​Montgomery 1
WOAH Non Poultry​
​Worcester 1
​​Anne Arundel 2

​WOAH Non-Poultry