Seafood Marketing Advisory Commission

Official Name of Board or Commission: Seafood Marketing Advisory Commission

​Statutory Authority: Annotated Code of Maryland, Section 10-1001 and 10-1002 and “Subtitle 10, Seafood Marketing and Aquaculture Products Marketing Program.” 

Entity's Vision and Mission: A prosperous seafood industry that provides high quality seafood products commercially caught, grown, processed, or sold in the state of Maryland while maintaining sustainable resources and contributing to employment and economic development.

Primary Function: The Commission assists in: 1) Promoting increased consumption and distribution of Maryland seafood; and 2) Seeking effective methods to reduce cost and improve the quality and marketability of Maryland seafood.  A $20 surcharge fee is collected by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources from commercial fishing and seafood processing licenses and is conveyed to the Maryland Department of Agriculture for seafood marketing purposes. The use of the $20 surcharge fund is overseen by the Seafood Marketing Advisory Commission.

Entity's Meeting Schedule: The commission has elected to meet three times each year, late fall, mid-winter, and early spring. Meeting dates will be announced..

​Entity's members: The Commission is comprised of 13 members: five represent the seafood packers; two represent licensed Maryland watermen; 1 represents the retail food industry; one represents the aquaculture industry; two represent consumers; one represents the Secretary of Natural Resources; and one represents the Secretary of Agriculture.

Current Commission Members
Stephanie Pazzaglia, Chair 
Stephan Abel, Chair-Elect
Talmage Petty
Kyle Gilbert
Laura Moreno-Davis
Frederick Sieling 
Stephen Howard 
Jason Ruth
Troy Wilkins​
George O'Donnell

Commission Point of Contact 
Matthew Scales, Director of Seafood Marketing​ 
Maryland Department of Agriculture
50 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401