Sampling Supplies
- GPS capable device Camera Paper (or lab-specified)
- Sample bags
- Scissors or pruners
- Required Forms
- Marker and Pen
- Bag sealing tape
- Disposable gloves Disinfectant (bleach, rubbing alcohol, etc.)
When you arrive at the farm
The licensee or authorized representative must be present during sampling. It is important for the sampling agent and producer to communicate with each other regarding sample collection and shipment.
- The producer is responsible for:
- Selecting the -Authorized Testing Laboratory for THC testing
- Communicating any special laboratory procedures to the sampling agent
- The cost of sampling, transportation , shipping and testing sampled hemp
- The sampling agent is responsible for:
- Physically collecting the sample
- Physically sending/delivering the hemp sample to chosen laboratory for THC testing
- Protecting the integrity of the sample by keeping it from extreme heat or cold and making it a priority to ship within 2 business days
- You can find a list of Maryland Authorized Hemp Sampler here.
Before starting the sampling confirm the lot using GPS coordinates or maps
Sampling Agent: A Sampling Agent must sample industrial hemp lots in accordance with MDA's 2022 Field Sampling Protocol. A sampling Agent must collect samples from the flowering tops of industrial hemp plants that are approximately five to eight inches in length from the main stem, terminal bud, or central cola of the female plant, see diagram below. A sampling agent must collect a sample that is representative of a homogeneous composition of the lot.
Once the size of the lot has been confirmed, identify the required minimum quantity from the table below. The quantity refers to both the minimum quantity of cuttings, and the minimum quantity of plants sampled. One cutting is collected from each plant. The quantity collected may be more than the listed minimum, but not less. There is no maximum quantity, laboratory requirements for sample size should be considered when sampling more than the minimum or lots less than 10 plants
Size of Lot | Minimum Quantity | Size of Lot | Minimum Quantity |
<1000 sq.ft | 10 | 10 - 14.99 acres | 35 |
<0.99 acre | 11 | 15 - 19.99 acres | 40 |
1 - 1.99 Acres | 15 | 20 - 24.99 acres | 45 |
2 - 2.99 acres | 17 | 25 - 29.99 acres | 50 |
3 - 3.99 acres | 19 | 30 - 39.99 acres | 55 |
4 - 4.99 acres | 20 | 40 - 49.99 acres | 60 |
5 - 5.99 acres | 21 | 50 - 50.99 acres | 65 |
6 - 6.99 acres | 24 | 60 - 60.99 acres | 70 |
7 - 7.99 acres | 27 | 70 - 74.99 acres | 75 |
8 - 8.99 acres | 30 | 75+ acres | 1 per acre |
9 - 9.99 acres | 33 | Ex: 89 acres = 89 cuttings | |

Packaging: The Sampling Agent shall seal all collection bags with tape or staples and tape. Both the Certified Sampler and the Registered Producer or the authorized representative shall sign or initial over the edge of the tape on each bag for additional tamper evidence. This bag must be shipped or delivered as-is to the laboratory; additional packaging materials may be added as needed.
Include with the sample a completed MDA Hemp Field Sampling Report and a completed Chain of Custody Form
A copy of the Hemp Field Sampling Report must also be submitted to the MDA. An Authorized sampler is required to submit a yearly sampling log to the MDA