MDA is responsible for regulating the sale, use, and storage of pesticides and for enforcing the Maryland Pesticide Applicators Law. Read the AgBrief: Pesticide Regulation Section - Enforcing Maryland's Pesticide Applicator's Law.
The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), in conjunction with the University of Maryland Extension (UME) and the Governor's Pesticide Council, developed a series of brochures to assist individuals to make informed decisions on their pest control needs.
Although pesticides can be beneficial to society, they can be dangerous if used carelessly or if they are not stored properly and out of the reach of children.
Each year, many households in Maryland become infested by a variety of wood destroying insects, the most notable being termites.
The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Pesticide Regulation Section (PRS) regulates the distribution, sale, storage, use and disposal of pesticides, and it establishes qualifications for the licensing of businesses and certification of persons applying or recommending pesticides or performing pest inspections.
To find out more, call Pesticide Regulation at 410-841-5710