

Agricultural Nutrient Management Training Program​​​​

​​September 27 and October 4, 2024

How to Write a Nutrient Management Plan for Certified Consultants
This course will introduce the Maryland nutrient management planning process from beginning to end. Participants will apply that information to a real plan, written in it’s entirety, on the (optional) second day utilizing NuMan Pro 5.3 software. Newly (less than one year since certification) certified nutrient
management consultants will receive 6 continuing education credits.
​October 2, 2024
Practical Experiences in Nutrient Management
This course will provide h​ands-on activities to enhance any certified farmer or certified nutrient management consultant’s skill set. This year’s session will focus on topics most relevant to diverse agricultural operations. ​Earns 4 continuing education credits. 

​​October 3, 2024
Farmer/Operator Nutrient Management Certification for Nurseries, Greenhouses and Controlled Environments
Farmer Training and Certification (FTC) will be held on October 3, 2024 for growers who want to become certified to write their own nursery nutrient management plans. This training program will assist you in writing a nutrient management plan for your nursery, greenhouse operation, or controlled environment. You must follow a nutrient management plan if you are an agricultural business and gross $2,500 or more per year in sales. With this certification, you can sign off and submit your own ​plan and annual implementation reports.
​​December 5, 2024

Save the Date!
Nutrient Management Update Training
National Wildlife Visitor Center​​
Laurel, Maryland​
Check back soon for the registration link.
​​February 7, 2025
Maryland Nutrient Management Certification Exam
The Maryland Nutrient Management Certification Examination will be offered on February 07, 2025. This exam is for farmers and consultants who want to write nutrient management plans for others. There is a $50 non-refundable certification fee, however, government personnel are exempt with a Government Sales and Use Tax Exempt certificate. The test consists of 100 multiple choice questions selected from twelve knowledgeable areas. 
University of Maryland Extension Event Calendar​
Scroll through the calendar or search by topic for upcoming training events. To request course credit hours for your upcoming event please email us at ​ nmpceu.mda@maryland.gov​
(Available Anytime)
Learn and Earn CEUs Online​
The University of Maryland and other institutions provide excellent nutrient management webinars. Even if you cannot attend a session "live," you might be able to earn CEUs at a later date. 

​Turfgrass Nutrient Management Program ​​​​

Statewide Certification Exams 2024
2024 Certification Exam Schedule and Application 

​Training and Education​
Check back for new offerings.

nuing Education Training Webinar (Recorded)​ 
December 14, 2021
Course # 121421wwa
Using Technology to Improve Effectiveness of Nutrient Applications, John Emerson, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension​
​Earns 1 continuing education credit for Renewal of Professional Fertilizer Applicator Certification 

Continuing Education Training Webinar (Recorded)
Soil Health: A Guide to Understanding and Creating Healthy Soils, Andrew G. Ristvey, University of MD Extension
December 14, 2021
Course # 121421wwb
Earns 1 continuing education ​credit​ for Renewal​ of Professional Fertilizer Applicator Certification

Continuing​ Education Training Webinar (Recorded​)​

Nutrient Management Training​ 
May 10, 2021
Course #051021UWW
Earns 2 continuing education ​credits​ for renewal​ of Professional Fertilizer Applicator Certification
Go to Webinar
Get Quiz​​​

Soil Testing for Effective Nutrient Management​ (Recorded)
January 8, 2015
Course #2008
Earns 2 continuing education credits for renewal of Professional Fertilizer Applicator Certification 
Part 1: "Soil Testing for Effective Nutrient Management"
Go to Webinar and Get Quiz​
Part 2: "Plant Mineral Analysis"

