Leaders in Environmentally Engaged Farming (LEEF): Under Development
Leaders in Environmentally Engaged Farming (LEEF)
is being designed to accomplish the following goals:
- A holistic approach to accelerate conservation efforts with the realities of modern farming.
- Recognize the value of environmentally engaged farming—applied conservation practices, preserving green space, participating in valuable on-farm research, and contributing to building equitable and resilient food systems.
- Foster stronger connections between farmers, conservation partners, research institutions, and communities.
Conservation. Conservation tillage, nutrient input reductions, cover crops, natural filters, buffers, wildlife and pollinator habitats, healthy soils practices, adoption of on-farm renewable energy, and more…
Community. Research, mentorship, service to food banks and solutions for food insecurity, participation in Maryland’s Certified Local Farm and Fish Program, participating in Nutrition Programs, and more…
Value. Practices would have weighted points assigned, according to the intensity of a practice and/or according to its value in reaching statewide goals.
Prioritize. Practice weights can be assigned based on the location of a priority best management practice (BMP), if it falls within the critical area, for example.
Implement. Farms would add conservation practices based on their unique operational needs, and resource concerns. Implementation must include both conservation and community practices.
Stack. Farms would be encouraged to add practices that further enhance their efforts and increase their overall score. Higher score would unlock greater incentives.
Verify. MDA will leverage field assessment staff and data to minimize additional reporting from farmers.
Tiers. Participants would earn points to qualify for tiers, like the example below:
- Platinum (80+)
- Gold (60-79)
- Silver (50-59)
- Certified (40-49)
Promote. A farm’s LEEF Certification would be promoted by MDA and by partners, to promote a farm’s stewardship.
Incentives. Prioritization for funding for equipment, for contracts with vendors. Future incentives could include priority access to programs and grants, tax incentives, etc.
MOVING FORWARDMDA will continue to host focused feedback sessions and share next steps. We welcome feedback via this
survey that will remain open throughout the development process, or by contacting us directly at
Updated 3/12/25