In 2024, the Maryland Department of Agriculture will conduct a Spongy Moth suppression project on the lower Eastern Shore and Western Maryland. This will include areas in Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, Washington, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties. Spongy Moth populations in the rest of the state are below levels requiring treatment. Notification letters to affected property owners will be mailed the last week of February. Maps of the proposed areas will be available in mid-April when areas are finalized. Information can be obtained by calling the Spongy Moth Suppression Information Line at 410-841-2797.
Follow us on Twitter @MDSpongyMoth for the near real-time information.
How to use the spray schedule table (see below)
Spray blocks are listed by county. Next to the county is the spray block name. Block names contain two letters for the county, followed by three numbers specifying specific blocks. Therefore, block number one in Worcester County is listed as WO001, etc. All spray blocks will be sprayed with Foray 48B which is a formulation of Btk or Bacillus thuringiensis - a naturally occurring soil bacterium. When a block is scheduled for spraying, we will place the scheduled spray date in the table, under "Date to be sprayed," after the block name. When spraying is completed in a block, we will place the date of completion in the table under "Date Sprayed." If no date appears in the columns next to a block name, it has not been scheduled or sprayed yet.
Blocks are not sprayed in numerical order.
Please be aware that many weather conditions can interfere with, or prevent, scheduled spraying. Conditions such as high winds, rain, rain predicted within four hours, fog, or humidity that is too high or too low can cause delay or cancellation of spray schedules. When a spray schedule is canceled, it will be rescheduled, but not necessarily for the next day. Please check our listings after a block is scheduled to be sure it was sprayed as scheduled.
To see maps of spray areas click on the link below:
Schedule of Block Treatment
Block Information to come in Mid-April