Quarterly Shelter Statistics Reporting

Chapters 561 and 562 of 2013 - Animal Welfare - Spay/Neuter Fund - Establish​ment established a fee on dog and cat commercial feed registered in the State and created a Spay/Neuter Fund in MDA to reduce animal shelter overpopulation and cat and dog euthanasia rates by financing grants for programs that facilitate and promote spay and neuter services. Municipal animal shelters, nonprofits contracted to operate a municipal shelter, and grant awardees with shelters must submit a quarterly report to MDA providing specific information. 

Please note that late and inaccurate reporting may affect future grant awards.

It is vital that all shelters are reporting their data in the same fashion, so that the statistics will be most useful​ in determining program effectiveness in reducing shelter intakes and euthanasia rates, and to help identify areas of need for allocating grant funding. Therefore, below please see a list of reporting standards. If your scenario is not listed below and you still have questions, please contact the program coordinator, Jen Swanson, at jen.swanson@maryla​nd.gov. ​​ 

How to Use the Reporting Form Fields:
  • ​Intakes and outcomes are reported for cats and dogs only, including kittens and puppies.
  • Intake fields are for live animals only, no DOA animals should be reported in your statistics.​
  • The purpose of the reporting is to track shelter intake numbers and types, as well as final disposition numbers and types, for animals that come into your custody and care.
    • Animals brought to your facility for clinic days, veterinary care, or other services should NOT be reported in your intake or outcomes.​
    • Animals sent into foster homes, offsite adoption centers such as Petco/PetSmart, short/long term care at an offsite veterinary hospital, etc. should stay IN your inventory and should NOT be reported in outcomes until their final disposition is determined. 
    • ​Additionally, animals in your custody and care as the result of an animal control seizure, or other hold, even if they are not signed over to you yet, should always be included in your inventory until there is a final disposition. 
  • Outcomes reported should always be final dispositions only (adoption, permanent transfer to another agency, return to owner/field​, and euthanasia.) Moving an animal to a foster home, offsite adoption center, etc. is NOT considered an outcome.
  • Animals sent to a rescue should be reported as "​Transfer to Another Agency."
  • The "Other Live Outcomes" field should reflect TNR cats released only, and there should rarely be dog or other cat outcomes reported in this field. If there are dogs reported in this category, the program coordinator will reach out to you to inquire the reason​.
  • ​Stray animals:
    • Strays that are brought into your shelter/care and custody by a finder who comes back to adopt the animal after the stray hold is up, should be reported as stray for the intake, and an ​adoption for the outcome.
    • If your shelter allows finders to keep the animal in their home for the stray hold period, and you are providing vet care or other services for the animal as you would for any stray animal brought into the shelter, and the finder opts to keep the animal after the stray hold is up, it should be reported as a stray intake and adoption outcome.
    • ​If your shelter allows finders to keep the animal in their home for the stray hold period, but the finder never brings the animal in for services, that animal should not be reported as an intake (or outcome.) 
  • If you have any questions or feedback/suggestions regarding the reporting standards, please contact the program coordinator, Jen Swanson, at jen.swanson@maryla​nd.gov. ​​


Reporting Due Dates:​

QUARTER 1 - April 15 Reporting on Activity for January 1-March 31

QUARTER 2 - July 15 Reporting on Activity for April 1-June 30

QUARTER 3 - October 15 Reporting on Activity for July 1-September 30

QUARTER 4 - January 15 Reporting on Activity for October 1-December 31 for the prior year


As of January 1, 2022, all quarterly shelter statistics reports are to be submitted through the Maryland OneStop portal. All organization profiles are assigned to a primary organizational account and that account must be the one to submit the reports. For information on what email address is assigned to your organization, please contact the program coordinator, Jen Swanson, at jen.swanson@maryla​nd.gov

To Access the Quarterly Shelter Activity Report (Shelter Stats) on OneStop

  1. Log in to https://onestop.md.gov and go to your Dashboard.​
  2. Scroll down to Shelter Information​​.
  3. Click on your organization name to bring up your organization profile;
    • Click on the "Quarterly Statistics" tab to view prior reports and/or submit a new report, OR;
    • Click on the green button at the top right that says "Submit Quarterly Statistics Report".
  1. Enter your quarterly data (some data will autopopulate).
  2. Submit the report.
​Please click the Maryland OneStop logo below to access the portal.​


For More information on how to create an account and submit a report please view the One​Stop User Guide. 
 Spay and Neuter OneStop Shelter User Guide.pdfSpay and Neuter OneStop Shelter User Guide