MHIB Initiatives


The Maryland Horse Industry Board (MHIB) is one of only about a half dozen state equine commodities boards in the country.

The organization was founded in 1998 as an outgrowth of the State’s Riding Stables Inspection Program that began in 1968.

MHIB receives no government funding although it is housed in the Maryland Department of Agriculture  (MDA) building in Annapolis and is a program within MDA.

The organization is an example of a private/public partnership.

MHIB is totally funded from private equine industry sources. Monies are accrued from the annual licensing fees paid to MHIB by the state’s approximately 600 licensed lesson, boarding, rental and rescue facilities and from the Feed Fund Assessment program. Every time a Marylander buys a bag of horse feed, 15 cents is voluntarily contributed by feed manufacturers to help fund MHIB projects and initiatives.


MHIB has three primary functions:

1-Regulatory: to license and inspect the state’s commercial lesson, boarding, rental and rescue facilities that solicit business from the public.

2-Advisory: to brief the Maryland Department of Agriculture and other state officials on issues regarding the Maryland horse industry

3-Promotional: to market, bring awareness to and help grow the state’s equine industry.


The 12-member board members of MHIB meet mulitple times a eyear, either at MDA headquarters in Annapolis, at various farms, licensed stables or equine events around the state or virtrual. All committees are Chaired by a MHIB Board Member or overseen by the Executive Director. All representives from the industry are invited by the Chair or Executive Director. 

Theses are the current subcommittees dealing with major MHIB initiatives:

    1. Health Advisory Committee: This committee is comprised mostly of equine veterinarians who meet bi-annually to discuss horse health issues.
    2. Marketing Committee: The committee, which includes MHIB members and a broad cross-section of representatives from all over the state,  meets as needed to move MHIB inititives forward
    3. Budget Review Committee: Comprised of three MHIB members, they meet with the Executive Director on an as-needs basis to discuss the operating budget and set monetary priorities for MHIB initiatives.
    4. Strategic Planning Committee: This committee which includes MHIB membersmakes recommendations to the Board as to which plans board members will pursue and support throughout the year.
    5. Grants Committee: Once a year, the grants group meets to assess annual grants applications and make recommendations to the board about who will receive MHIB grant monies.
    6. Equine Welfare Committee: This committee includes MHIB membersis responsible for promoting and ensuring the humane treatment, health, and overall well-being of horses within its jurisdiction.
    7. Horseland Committee: This committee is overseen by the MHIB Executive Director and is responsible running Horseland at the Maryland State Fair. 
    8. Horse Discovery Centers Program: This committee consistes of two board members and inpsectors to inspect and oversee  the approval of new HDCs and review of yearling HDC reports and meetings. 
    9. Performance Horse CommitteeThis committee which includes MHIB members​ helps promoting performance horses of all disciplines and their careers in Maryland. 
    10. Nominating Committee:  This committee meets as need to elect board chairs.
    11. Horse Forum Committee:  The Maryland Horse Forum serves as a​ day, every five (5) years, to hear from the entire Maryland Horse Industry.  The Horse Board invited you to share your thoughts and solutions to current Industry concerns.. 


Current Initiatives:

The three main annual initiatives are:

    1. Renewal of Licenses and Stable Inspections
    2. Collection of Feed Fund Assessment fees and keep feed manufacturers abreast of MHIB projects
    3. Awarding of Grants

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