About Us

Statutory Authority

Code: Agricultural Articles 2-701 through 2-719, and 6-107.2

Regulations: COMAR 15.16.01 regulations .01- .08, COMAR 15.16.02 regulations .01 - .08, and COMAR 15.18.05 regulations .01 -.09


Entity’s Vision and Mission:

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Maryland Horse Industry Board (the Board) is to safeguard the health and well being of Maryland’s Horse Industry as well as to provide for its future development. To this end, the Board intends to:

  1. Raise the level of public awareness of Maryland’s equestrian/equine traditions;
  2. Raise the level of public awareness of the positive impact of horses on the quality of life in Maryland;
  3. To increase visibility of Maryland equestrian/ equine activities;
  4. To provide support as a resource for Maryland horse owners; and
  5. To foster a standard of care for Maryland horses.


Partial list of Vision/ Goals:

  • Continue to raise the visibility of Maryland’s horses as a strong industry through equine census taking, and economic feasibility studies.
  • Further the establishment of the Maryland State Horse Facility or Facilities.
  • Increase the visibility of the horse industry in terms of Maryland’s tourism, and its economy.
  • Through promotion and the continued strengthening of the industries infrastructure, bolster the industries economic impact upon the State.
  • Oversee equestrian operations in the State, to the extent that all facilities in the Boards jurisdiction operate within the standards of care for horses.
  • Increase the perception of Maryland as a horse state through fostering understanding of it rich equestrian tradition, and its current industry strength.


Primary Function

The purpose of the Maryland Horse Industry Board (MHIB), as enumerated in Article 2-708.1 of the Annotated Code of Maryland is, taken broadly, to promote equestrian activities and the use of horses for recreation through promotional activities that create awareness and visibility for the equine industry, educational and research projects to benefit the equine industry, and developmental efforts, such as job training programs, facilities planning and export marketing to stimulate the growth of the local horse economy. Moreover, the board serves in an advisory capacity to the Secretary of Agriculture regarding matters affecting the industry and as the licensing body for Maryland stables. To this end the Board has a mission which includes regulatory, advisory, promotional and educational roles.


Current implementation of the Board’s mission:

1. Raise the level of public awareness of Maryland’s equestrian/equine traditions;

  • Public Support and Presentations 
  • Social Media
  • Trade Fairs
  • Publicity in newspapers, magazines, television, internet and radio
  • Grant distribution to horse related exhibitions

2. Raise the level of public awareness of the positive impact of horses on the quality of life in Maryland.

  • Public presentations
  • Publicity through social media, and print media

3. To increase visibility of Maryland equestrian/ equine activities.

  • Assist with the publicity of Maryland horse events that reach out the public (such as Maryland 5 Star, Washington International Horse Show, Horse Discovery Centers and more)
  • Grants distributed to organizations involved with Equine events at venues
  • Maryland Horse Park System

4. To provide support as a resource for Maryland horse owners.

  • Maryland Horse Forum every 5 years
  • Working with Soil Conservation/ Nutrient Management, Maryland Cooperative Extension, and Land Preservation
  • Fielding questions and increasing communication between the public, and experts in the equine industry

5. To foster a standard of care for Maryland horses.

  • Licensing horse stables in Maryland
  • Educating horse owners on topics such as Horse Health and Disaster Preparedness
  • Fund equine health research grants


Program Information

Sheila Curry, Spokesperson,Chair

Anne Litz
Executive Director

Maryland Horse Industry Board
0 Harry S. Truman Parkway

Annapolis, MD 21401
Email: anne.litz@maryland.gov

Telephone: 410-841-5798 
Fax: 410-841-5780

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