Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) administers funding received from the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP). The amount of funding received by MDA is based on specialty crop acreage and production value on an annual basis. MDA conducts an annual competitive process to award grant funds.
The purpose of the Maryland Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) is to enhance the competitiveness of Maryland specialty crops including fruits and vegetables, culinary herbs and spices, honey, hops, grapes, maple syrup, Christmas trees and nursery crops. MDA awards SCBGP funds through a competitive review process guided by industry, nonprofit and government stakeholders.
Proposals submitted by individual producers
must demonstrate that the potential impact of the project will be for a broader group of similar producers or industry segment.
Grant funds will not be awarded for projects that only benefit or provide profit to a single organization, business, institution or individual. For example, an acceptable project would be a single farmer erects high tunnels on their property to extend the growing season of tomatoes and lettuce and conducts a field day and farm tour to encourage other small family farmers to adopt the production methods. An unacceptable project would be a specialty crop producer requests funds to promote their asparagus at a roadside stand.
Click below to apply to the Specialty Crop Block Grant: